Eastern India Rice Blog


What makes Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog rice unique compared to other types of rice?

Eastern India Rice Mill has become known for quality rice in Eastern India over more than six decades. Our adventure started in 1962 driven by a love of delivering the best grains to your table. Today we explore the crown gem of our products, Double DP brand and  Malik Deenar brand Gobindobhog rice. Gobindobhog Rice …

What makes Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog rice unique compared to other types of rice? Read More »

How does the monsoon season influence the flavour of Gobindobhog rice?

A new season opens up on the rich plains of West Bengal as the pitter-patter of monsoon rain fills the air. This annual metamorphosis not only wakes the natural world but is also essential in determining the special taste character of Gobindobhog rice, a beloved legacy grain grown by Eastern India Rice Mill. We have …

How does the monsoon season influence the flavour of Gobindobhog rice? Read More »

The Nutritional Superiority of Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog Rice

Gobindobhog rice has captivated gourmands for millennia with its exquisite texture and aromatic scent. Growing on the lush plains of West Bengal, this valued legacy grain has adorned royal tables and gained respect in classic Indian cooking. Leading Gobindobhog rice manufacturer Eastern India Rice Mill has been the faithful keeper of this history, guaranteeing the …

The Nutritional Superiority of Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog Rice Read More »

Bakri Eid Special Kheer by Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand: Elevating the Classic with Gobindobhog Rice

Sweet treat smells call as the festive Bakri Eid affects the air. Families and communities should gather at this happy event to have meals together and delight in treasured desserts. Many find a particular place on the Eid table for kheer, a creamy rice pudding flavoured with aromatic spices and almonds. Leading Gobindobhog rice manufacturer …

Bakri Eid Special Kheer by Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand: Elevating the Classic with Gobindobhog Rice Read More »

Bakri Eid delights with traditional and modern dishes with Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog Rice

The festive ending of Ramadan is Bakri Eid, which is also known as Eid al-Fitr. Families and friends should get together at this time to rejoice and enjoy great cuisine. Eastern India Rice Mill is here to enhance your Eid feast with the great tastes of Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog rice, …

Bakri Eid delights with traditional and modern dishes with Malik Deenar brand and Double DP brand Gobindobhog Rice Read More »

Savouring Summer Delights: Mango Gobindobhog Rice Pudding by Malik Deenar and Double DP Brands

Our palates want light but decadent foods as summer bathes the land in golden sunshine and paints the sky a brilliant blue. We at Eastern India Rice Mill, growers of the renowned Gobindobhog rice, fully understand this desire. We are happy to honour this feeling this season with lovely brands: Malik Deenar and Double DP …

Savouring Summer Delights: Mango Gobindobhog Rice Pudding by Malik Deenar and Double DP Brands Read More »

The cultural significance of Gobindobhog rice in summer: a look at Malik Deenar and Double DP Brands

Introduction:  A grain with a legendary past and a beloved presence emerges to take its proper position at the centre of the culinary stage as the sun dances across the emerald fields of the Eastern India rice mill. Intoxicating in scent and unmatched flavour, gobindobhog rice attracts attention in the scorching summer months as a …

The cultural significance of Gobindobhog rice in summer: a look at Malik Deenar and Double DP Brands Read More »

What are the nutritional benefits of Malik Deenar and Double DP Gobindobhog rice compared to other types of rice?

Naturally, when we learn more about Gobindobhog rice, the issue of what makes this valuable grain different from other rice varieties emerges. The growers of this cherished rice, Eastern India Rice Mill, honour its remarkable nutritional profile in addition to its cultural value. The special nutritional advantages of Gobindobhog rice over other kinds of rice …

What are the nutritional benefits of Malik Deenar and Double DP Gobindobhog rice compared to other types of rice? Read More »

The Fascinating History of Jeera Rice: Uncovering the Cultural Significance of Gobindobhog Rice

The aroma of just cooked rice, the soft dance of steam rising from the pot, and the expectation of a filling dinner are universally shared simple pleasures. Rice is more than just food in India—it’s a celebratory centrepiece, a sign of wealth, and a blank canvas for culinary creativity. Today we look into the rich …

The Fascinating History of Jeera Rice: Uncovering the Cultural Significance of Gobindobhog Rice Read More »

The traditional methods of cultivating Dalik Deenar and Double DP Gobindobhog rice and their impact on the taste and quality of the rice

Nestled among rich plains and lively culture in the centre of West Bengal is the tale of Gobindobhog rice, a highly valued grain with unparalleled flavour and tradition. Eastern India Rice Mill grows Malik Deenar and Double DP Gobindobhog rice brands, which are particularly good and taste different. What, though, makes them different? The answer …

The traditional methods of cultivating Dalik Deenar and Double DP Gobindobhog rice and their impact on the taste and quality of the rice Read More »

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